Still relying on dairy as your source of calcium? Think twice!

Still think dairy is a good source of calcium?

Think again! Milk does not prevent osteoporosis. We were all taught in school that milk makes a body strong. Yet in nations that have the lowest consumption of milk, they have the fewest cases of osteoporosis in the world. How could that be? Dairy is the main cause of osteoporosis. The United States and Europe consume the most milk  and yet have the highest rates of osteoporosis in the world.

Sesame SeedsWhat is the root cause?

The casein in milk is so acidic that the body has to deal with it some how. How does it do it? It robs calcium from your bones and encase’s the casein with  calcium in order to protect our delicate acid/alkaline balance in our bodies, Thus dairy uses more calcium once it is ingested than it adds to your system and that’s only the beginning. But that’s a topic for another day.

There are much better sources of calcium than dairy.

Eating a healthy portion of leafy greens and other vegetables along with a variety of seeds especially sesame seeds will give you all the calcium you need without  consuming disease-causing dairy.

A recent report from the American Dietetic Association found that in countries where dairy is consumed regularly, have the highest rates of breast cancer. Yet in countries where dairy is not part of the diet, it is not found in the population. Breast cancer killed 425,000 (359,000-453,000) women in 2010 worldwide,  Over 40000 women a year die needlessly from breast cancer in the United States. 10% of all cases in the world were in the US.

So look for dairy alternative like almond milk or coconut milk and add leafy greens and eat sesame seeds as a condiment on as much food as possible.

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